About the Consortium

The NYC Science Research Mentoring Consortium (The Consortium) is a partnership of academic, research, and cultural institutions committed to providing dynamic, mentored, science research experiences for NYC high school students who have an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).

Our mission is to provide students from historically underrepresented backgrounds in STEM fields and careers access to innovative research internships that will support them in their college and career pathways.

The Consortium cultivates a community of practice among a diverse network of scientists and educators. Together this community invests in and empowers our scholars to succeed in STEM academically and professionally.

Learn more about the Consortium’s impact in our 10-year report.


Our Partners:

Share experiences and expertise

Identify opportunities and strategies to effectively support youth in developing science research skills and competencies

Build access to STEM academics and careers through college and career readiness resources and supports


Our Programs

Our programs are each independently managed and run, yet come together as a network under a set of shared principles and structures, including:

30+ hours of STEM competency learning on foundational scientific concepts and lab skills

100+ hours of mentored science research

Access to academic and career guidance for science success

Access to workshops and presentations that support fluency in science communication

A culminating project that allows students to develop and present their research


Support for the NYC Science Research Mentoring Consortium is generously provided by The Pinkerton Foundation.

Core Beliefs

We support the development of the next generation of STEM professionals in ways that address the need for equity and diversity in STEM fields.

Exciting Opportunities

We acknowledge the inequalities in STEM and provide new paths of access.

Dedicated Research

STEM exploration in high school strengthens future academics and careers long-term.

Meaningful Community

Science is more effective and essential as a community. Scientists and researchers help cultivate confidence amongst scholars.

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© 2024 NYC Science Research Mentoring Consortium

All rights reserved

Designed by [L]earned Media.